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How to Know the number of backlinks to your blog

If you want to know is how many backlinks your blog.
Can use the site Link Checker v2.0 Beta follows:
Here you can know what the site has provided a link to your blog.

Very easy to use, you only need to enter the blog url and press the Check My Link,
Link Checker will then process and display all the backlinks your blog.
If interested can just try to directly click here

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Feed Your Blog To Twitter

Twitter has become one of social networking are growing now.
Almost all the blogs, websites have an account at twitter. Along with that,
so much to optimize the use of Twitter. One of them is twitterfeed.
Twitterfeed connect our blog postings with our twitter account.
So if we make a posting on the blog so posting will automatically including feed
or updated to our Twitter Account. Examples can be viewed here:

1. Click

2. Click Register Now

3. Enter the E-Mail and Password to create Account. Then click Create Account.

4. Click Connect your feeds to your Twitter account.

5. Enter the Username and Password us at Twitter. After that Click Allow.

6. Twitter account you've connected with your twitterfeed account.
Furthermore it twitterfeed connect with your blog.
Feed Type the name of the blog title and contents of Rss Feed Rss Feed URL with the URL of our blog (we can use the RSS feeds from our blogs feedburner. After they had filled in, click the Test Rss Feed.

7. If Feed successful, would have written "Ok parsed feed" RSS Feed URL below.
Then click Create Feed.

8. Done

Good Luck....

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Time to eat fruit

Should eat fruit while on an empty stomach, at the time of the sleep wake up in the morning and at night will sleep in the day. Why? The reason is because fruit is not digested in the stomach.
Dissolved in fruit in the small intestine. Fruit in the design for the past few minutes in the stomach and small intestine directly to, the actual place of sugar in its release. If there is food in the stomach, the fruit will be trapped in the stomach and ferment. This is the cause flatulence and does not feel comfortable. Therefore, the breakfast is very good, especially in the juice before other food.

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Albert Eisntein and journalist

One day Mr. Albert Einstein met with a journalist who would like to ask about the mind-creative mind. Warm discussion took place, until the arrival time of the retreat Journalists themselves.
"Mr. Einstein, I am happy and grateful that discussions on this very interesting. If confirmed, I will back up any posts I discuss our results, if I may call you? "

"Of course."
"Yes I know the phone number of Mr.?"
"... Be seated," Albert Einstein to reach the phone book on the table. Open in its pages that contain the letter front row E. To be finding its name Einstein, Albert, and a phone number beside it.
"This is my number ...." In his dictation phone number, as seen in the phone book.
Journalists are not resistant to not ask that this is not common, "Mr. Einstein, what the father does not memorize the phone number you own?"
"Here, I think for what I have to burden my brain with things that I can get in other places, such as a phone book in this ...?"

Is not known whether this story really happened or just jokes. However, it is not the same between the train and brain burden memory.

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Cactus is the name....

As my post in the posting about the exhibition FLORA and FAUNA Banteng in the field, Central Jakarta. Finally I can see-saw day on the exhibition day, August 02, 2009. By-by from the exhibition can be viewed in the picture below, cactus.

Cactus is the name given to members of flowering plant family Cactaceae. Cactus can grow in a long time without water. Cactus found in the usual areas, dry (desert). The word is plural for cactus kakti. Cactus has roots that long to explore and widen the water absorption of water in the soil. Absorbed water that is stored in the cactus room in the stem. Cactus leaf has a form to be changed so that the spine can reduce the evaporation of water through the leaves. Thus, the cactus can grow in a long time without water.

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Feed Your Blog To Twitter

Twitter has become one of the social networking is developing at this time. Almost all the blogs, the website has an account on twitter. Along with that, many of which optimize the use of Twitter. One of the TWITTERFEED. Twitterfeed blog posting we connect with our twitter account. So if we create a posting diblog then posting will be automatically updated bitumen feed or to our Twitter Account. Examples can be viewed here

1. Click

2. Click Register Now

3. Enter E-Mail and Password to create Account. Then click Create Account.

4. Click Create your feeds to your Twitter account.

5. Enter your Username and Password us in Twitter. Then click Allow.

6. Twitter account is already connected with the Account Twitterfeed you. Then just connect with the blog you twitterfeed. Feed Type the name of the blog title and URL Content Rss Feed Rss Feed URL with our blog (we can use the Feedburner RSS Feed from our blog. Once they are filled, click the Test Rss Feed.

7. Feed If successful, there will be any posts "Feed Parsed Ok" under the RSS Feed URL. Then click Create Feed.

8. The end

And from this moment, if we post in our blog, so posting will be automatically connected to terfeed or Twitter us. Or automatically update twitter with us posting on our blog.

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Join the Banana Web Group. Many things you can do with the Banana in the web join this group:

1. You can be acquainted with the blogger-blogger on the web at the Banana group
2. Can share your latest posting
3. Can ask the blogger-blogger on the web at the Banana group
4. And many more benefits that can get by joining in with the Banana group web, do not worry how it all free :)

To join please click the link below
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Ethics Predict Patient

1. Show relaxed expression
Maybe we can be patient info can not be cured in a, even there is no hope. Whatever the condition, Be quiet time to visit. avoid emotional expression. Try to smile.

2. Show tidy appearance
If the tidal appear neat, very likely the patient will feel disturbed and risih view.

3. Gratitute kind regards
Say that the husband, wife, or friend who had not participated, salute. There is a kind will be able to encourage the patient. Because he was still a lot of attention.

4. Discuss the fun
Said a sense of sympathy and rigid attitude, "I always pray hopefully recover quickly." Sentence is a very heartwarming.

5. Prayer
Prayer will make them more motivated and to give hope for healing the patient.

In addition to ethics, we must know the attitudes and actions that do no-no. He does not try to directly ask the patient for the care. The question is, will probably make it feel sad.

* Do not blame the patient related to the disease in anguish. For such things can make a patient's lament himself.
* Do not know the quasi-health problem. For example, we comment that the disease is difficult in the suffering or in recovery is very long in the hospital.
* Do not bring fruit with no understanding of the condition. When diagnosed patients is relatively weak economy, should give a donation of money to ease the burden.

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Choose, of course, does not become a integral part in human life.
they are certainly never choose life. Choose is important, Selecting the right is,
choose to make humans truly human.
There are many reasons why choosing is important.
First, Select bears the consequences.

a man will feel the consequences of choice must choose when to become the assistant women's lives. If the choice whether he will feel the heaven of the world.
However, if the choice turns bad it will not be living in the house.
This will be similar in nature of a woman.
healthy people will choose their honest, friendly, trust,
knowledgeable and have a certain noble pair made for the living.
That's because he knows the consequences will be natural if one chose.
Second, determine the future options. A mother of his son does not want to be miserable. Then choose the best school for their children, learn best facilities,
and the best facilities so that the future of the children in the form of happiness.
Others with young children, Friends of factors into effect on their lives in the future. Friends took him to the good things that good, and evil tends to make one evil.

How about your options now?

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Help Me, Please

"Could you help me Doctor,please" Budi said the officer in the military doctor.

"What can I help you?", Ask your doctor.

"Several days ago, when I come home from the office, I catch my wife are wet children with another man. Then I take a weapon on me and my wife. Man said that the children free of my wife kill me because I will go to prison and no longer can be with my wife. I'm crushed, and he invites to drink coffee. "

"Then what the problem?" Ask your doctor.

"Two days later my wife do the same with the same man. My arms up man male children toward my wife, but once again he blandish that if he died, his wife will be more children with other men. I crushed and he invites me to drink coffee. "

"So I came here with the relationship?" Ask your doctor.

"Earlier I see my wife do the same again. In front of them, my arms up man to my mouth, and the man said that if I died because the loss would provide opportunities to the broadest of us always together. I was crushed and he invites me to drink coffee. "

"Jump to the main issues only.", Said the doctor not patient.

"Coffee can be harmful to health Dock I'm not?"


"... Love with a heart full of love and care about you before they leave you with the full do not regret because the best things for him ..."

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Save The Wolrd 2

* Tisue in which I can not use it in the recycle, as well as cardboard cartons, which used the wrong oil, food, cakes, drinks, They're only a waste .. who would not want the land that must merecycle. Estimates put the 6 pieces of tissue per day. 2200 seeds each year. Means that approximately 44 BILLION of years throughout the country. If we only sparingly 1 sheet each day, means that we reduce the waste of paper as much as 7 seed BILLION a year. Or use the handkerchief, towel cloth that can be used repeatedly as a tissue.

* Watch Discovery CHANNEL: PLANET EARTH ... .. surely weep to see the struggle of polar bears is a dead end because of exhaustion looking for land.

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Save The World 1

* Plastic bags take 1000 years to unravel in the TPA (the final disposal). About 300 million pieces in a plastic bag waste each year in Indonesia. Not to dispose of in the river behind the house and a place that is not proper. 10kg paper and newspaper in the ready to sell in the flea market, 1 requires that the tree takes 10 years to be great. Imagine that happening with illegal logging. How many trees has been cutdown for you? Imagine how they make the world hotter? so bring your own bags from home when you shop, try itung how much you save when you plastic shopping once ...?

* Is that the world will you leave for your children? It is important to be smart for the sake of our selves! Save the world, save our life, save our children.

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