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Needle felt enough for two friends, more well fit:) But this world wide, too narrow for two people hostile, right? Now how that friendship still exist? Here are some of his tips:

1. Want Share
Have a wonderful story or melancholy gray, not only in holding his own. share a sense of familiarity can make added. The he also will feel valued existence.

2. Listen
Communication skills is not only articulate but also show just listen. If a friend has a problem, let her put all her feelings. Do not cut her vent. When we try to take turns speaking at variance, if each one had taken off all the steam in the liver, then the solution will be easy on the search.

3. Three Magic Words
Thank you, help and forgiveness are the three magic words are very pleasing. Get in the habit of the little things even to use the three words.

4. So Inspirator
Be inspirator not the provocateur. Always give the spirit so that he could show potential.

5. Respect
Be the same black hair, but the heart could be different. Do not criticize the opinion of friends in front of crowds. Although not connect at all.

6. So Myself
Changing bad habits is good, but do not ever try to change the character of a friend so we are or vice versa. One-one could be hostile.

7. Honest
Be careful with honesty, try to use sentences that are positive in expressing honesty.

8. Pray
All must be accompanied by prayers for the good is always an umbrella of friendship.

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